Flash banner preparation for further AdRiver pixel insertion

1. Using AdRiver for the third party audit

The first frame of a flash movie should contain the following ActionScript:

if (ar_init == undefined)
    var ar_init = 1;
    loadMovieNum("pixel" + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000), 500);

In ActionScript 3 use the following ActionScript:

   this['ar_init'] = true;
   (new Loader()).load(new URLRequest("pixel" + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000)));

If a banner placement is doing by AdRiver managers then send them the banner.

If a banner placement is doing by yourself then do the following steps:

  1. Generate an audit or a counter code. Example:
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--
    var RndNum4NoCash = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000000);
    var ar_Tail='unknown'; if (document.referrer) ar_Tail = escape(document.referrer);
    document.write('<img src="http://ad.adriver.ru/cgi-bin/rle.cgi?' + 'sid=1&ad=159407&bt=21&pid=539398&bid=1019129&bn=1019129&rnd=' + RndNum4NoCash + '&tail256=' + ar_Tail + '" border=0 width=1 height=1>')
    <noscript><img src="http://ad.adriver.ru/cgi-bin/rle.cgi?sid=1&ad=159407&bt=21&pid=539398&bid=1019129&bn=1019129&rnd=1999914475" border=0 width=1 height=1></noscript>
  2. Change this code, keeping on the code highlighted in red. Example:
  3. Replace the word “pixel” by the modified code.
  4. Example (the changes are highlighted in red):

    if (ar_init == undefined)
    var ar_init = 1;
    loadMovieNum("http://ad.adriver.ru/cgi-bin/rle.cgi?sid=1&ad=159407&bt=21&pid=539398&bid=1019129&bn=1019129&rnd=" + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000), 500);

    Example in ActionScript 3 (the changes are highlighted in red):

       this['ar_init'] = true;
       (new Loader()).load(new URLRequest("http://ad.adriver.ru/cgi-bin/rle.cgi?sid=1&ad=159407&bt=21&pid=539398&bid=1019129&bn=1019129&rnd=" + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000)));

2. Using external counters in AdRiver

2.1. Flash-banners

When loading files for a banner insert the following data:

  • In the text box Сторонний зеропиксель для Flash-клипа insert third party tracking URL for a banner.
  • In the text box Сторонний зеропиксель для картинки insert third party tracking URL for an image.
  • In the text box Альтернативный клик на заглушку insert third party tracking URL for clicks through image.
  • In the text box Линк Баннера insert third party tracking URL for clicks through banner.
  • If you have only one third party tracking URL, insert it for both banner and image.
  • If you have only one third party tracking URL for click, insert it for clicks through banner. In this case third party tracking URL for clicks through image is absent.

All URLs have to start with “http://”.

For avoiding caching use a random number — it is the parameter &parameterName=![rnd].

Examples: third party tracking URL for banner:

example 1: http://m2k.ru/cgi-bin/t2-requester?account=761&network=1&format=468|60

example 2: http://body.imho.ru/image.ng/impt=imp&place=e_pixel&id=03090840&transactionID= 

example 3: http://engine.awaps.net/0/8002/001001.gif?0-0--0-la:68020p:36732&send_pixel=1

example 4: http://s0b.bluestreak.com/ix.e?ir&s=7998584&n=Insert_Time_Date_Stamp_Here

After adding the random number the code will look like this (changes are highlighted in red):

example 1: http://m2k.ru/cgi-bin/t2-requester?account=761&network=1&format=468|60&parameterName=![rnd]

example 2: http://body.imho.ru/image.ng/impt=imp&place=e_pixel&id=03090840&transactionID=![rnd]

example 3: http://engine.awaps.net/0/8002/001001.gif?0-0-![rnd]-0-la:68020p:36732&send_pixel=1

example 4: http://s0b.bluestreak.com/ix.e?ir&s=7998584&n=![rnd]

A banner should correspond with requirements for flash banners in AdRiver.

  • the third party tracking URL isn’t called when a banner is displayed in the AdRiver interface;
  • you should check out these links in a web browser before insert them in a flash-movie. If there are any problems, please, email us at support@adriver.ru.
2.2. For banners Pop-Under/Rich-media/Flash Poster/TopLine/ScreenGlide

The first frame of the flash-movie should contain the following ActionScript:

if (ar_init == undefined)
var ar_init = 1;
loadMovieNum("pixel" + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000), 500);

In ActionScript 3 use the following ActionScript:

   this['ar_init'] = true;
   (new Loader()).load(new URLRequest("pixel" + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000)));

Replace the word “pixel” by the counter for impressions in your system.

For clicks use special link instead of direct link to the advertiser’s site.

A banner should correspond with AdRiver requirements for flash-banners.

Last modified on 12.01.2012