
1. Banner summary

ID Number: 01H018.
Description: a corner banner.
Type of the code: javascript, ajax.
Examples: Hatchet on a javascript-code.
Third party tracking: flash banner preparation for further AdRiver pixel insertion.
Specification: this banner consists of two pieces: horizontal and vertical, that look like a corner.

2. Banner preparation

2.1. Flash-movie preparation

A first frame of your flash-movie should contain the following ActionScript:

if(ar_init == undefined){
 ar_init = true;

For click your flash-movie should contain a button with the following ActionScript:

on (release) {

2.2. Javascript preparation on javascript-code

Download files. Open a script.js file with text editor. You may change only an “editable block”.

var ar_flashver		= 8;
var ar_topor		= 'topor.swf';
var ar_w			= 733;
var ar_h			= 400;
var ar_top_gif		= 'top.gif';
var ar_right_gif		= 'right.gif';
var ar_target		= 'aidi'; // required! either ID, or null for body
var ar_flash_pixel	= ''; 
var ar_gif_pixel		= ''; 
  • ar_flashver — version of a Flash Player on an user’s PC.
  • ar_topor — a flash-movie name, may contain ‘http://’, in this case will be loaded from location.
  • ar_w — a width of a flash movie and a top image.
  • ar_h — a height of a flash movie and a right image.
  • ar_top_gif — a top image name, may contain ‘http://’, in this case will be loaded from location.
  • ar_right_gif — a right image name, may contain ‘http://’, in this case will be loaded from location.
  • ar_target — required either container ID or null for body.
  • ar_flash_pixel — third party tracking URL for flash movie if need.
  • ar_gif_pixel — third party tracking URL for image if need.


  • If you have only one tracking URL insert it for both flash movie and image.
  • Use «position: relative» or «position: absolute» for container.
  • A banner code should be placed after container. The best practice is to place it immediately before a closing </html> tag.

2.3. Javascript preparation on an ajax-code

Download files. Open a script.js file with text editor. You may change only an “editable block”.

var ar_swf			= 'topor.swf',
	ar_img_top	= 'top.gif',
	ar_img_right	= 'right.gif',
	ar_swf_width	= '1100',
	ar_swf_height	= '600',
	ar_right_width	= '120',
	ar_top_height	= '90',

	ar_flashver	= '8',
	ar_wmode		= 'opaque',
	ar_quality		= 'best',

	ar_flash_pixel	= '',
	ar_gif_pixel	= '',
  • ar_swf — a flash-movie name, may contain ‘http://’, in this case will be loaded from location.
  • ar_img_top — a top image name, may contain ‘http://’, in this case will be loaded from location.
  • ar_img_right — a right image name, may contain ‘http://’, in this case will be loaded from location.
  • ar_swf_width — a width of a flash movie.
  • ar_swf_height — a height of a flash movie.
  • ar_right_width — a width of a right image (a height equals to flash movie height).
  • ar_top_height — a height of a top image (a width equals to flash movie width).
  • ar_flashver — version of a Flash Player on an user’s PC.
  • ar_wmode — you can use one of the values:
    • transparent — the background of the HTML page shows through all transparent portions of the movie. This option can slow animation performance.
    • opaque — the movie hides everything on the page behind it.
    • window — movie plays in its own rectangular window on a web page.
  • ar_quality. Possible values:
    • low favors playback speed over appearance and never uses anti-aliasing.
    • autolow emphasizes speed at first but improves appearance whenever possible. Playback begins with anti-aliasing turned off. If the Flash Player detects that the processor can handle it, anti-aliasing is turned on.
    • autohigh emphasizes playback speed and appearance equally at first but sacrifices appearance for playback speed if necessary. Playback begins with anti-aliasing turned on. If the actual frame rate drops below the specified frame rate, anti-aliasing is turned off to improve playback speed.
    • medium applies some anti-aliasing and does not smooth bitmaps. It produces a better quality than the Low setting, but lower quality than the High setting.
    • high favors appearance over playback speed and always applies anti-aliasing. If the movie does not contain animation, bitmaps are smoothed; if the movie has animation, bitmaps are not smoothed.
    • best provides the best display quality and does not consider playback speed. All output is anti-aliased and all bitmaps are smoothed.
  • ar_flash_pixel — third party tracking URL for flash movie if need.
  • ar_gif_pixel — third party tracking URL for image if need.

If you have only one tracking URL insert it for both flash movie and image.

3. Requirements

Names of the files can consist of numbers, latin letters or underscore symbols only and can’t contain any russian letters, space symbols, quotes or other special symbols. Size of the flash banner and the image should be the same.

4. The limit of the file size for banners in AdRiver

  • gif, jpeg, png-files (img width x height banners on AdRiver) — 600К;
  • swf-files (flash width x height banners on AdRiver) — 600K;
  • other file types — 600K;
  • for multicomponent banners the limits are checked for each one component.

To download in the banner files with extra-limit size you can use the box Расположение на стороннем сервере, in which you should insert the pathname to an external server.

For the banners that can’t be loaded from an external server it is possible to increase the limits of the file size. It comes to agreement with sales and support departments.

Last modified on 29.03.2016