Synchronized flash banners

1. Banner summary

ID Number: 17H034.
Description: banners with effects of joint actions.
Type of a code: iframe, poster, ajax, javascript, extension.
Examples: Volkswagen Tiguan. Banners of different size from different sessions. Pair banners of different size from one session.
Third party tracking: flash banner preparation for further AdRiver pixel insertion.
Specification: pair banners allow to show some banners of different size from one advertiser synchronically on one webpage. Nonpair banners, on the contrary, allow to show some banners of different size from different advertisers. Pair synchronized banners realize visual effects of different sized banners joint actions from one session simultaneously at the same webpage (overflowing of message, expanding of ad size). Pair synchronized banners are ordinary flash-banners made with special technology.

One recommends using a poster code only if a banner is situated at the second screen and should be displayed when an user scrolls to it. On this code banner is displayed after complete loading of the webpage. In other cases one strongly recommends using an extension code.

2. Banner preparation

2.1. Synchronized banners preparation

You should prepare two flash-movies. One flash-movie is the main and second flash-movie is secondary.
Download the library. Save in an one folder file and all flash-movies sources. To gain an synchronized effect the main flash-movie should contain the following ActionScript:

import arSync;

var s = new arSync("master", ["panel"]);
s.onLoad = function(){
s.fSyncPoint1 = function() {

  • new arSync(“master”, [“panel”]) — create synchronized banner command;
  • master — the name of the main flash-movie;
  • panel — the name of the secondary flash-movie;

If there are several secondary flash-movies, insert file names comma separated new arSync(“master”, [“panel”, “panel1”, “panel2”]).

A secondary flash-movie should contain the following ActionScript:

import arSync;

var s = new arSync("panel");
s.onLoad = function(){


Insert each secondary flash-movie file name (highlighted in red).

When all flash-movies are synchronized, onLoad function is called, in this function should be defined primary actions (for example, go to the frame with start_point mark).

To send command between flash-movies one can use the following ActionScript:

s.sendCommand('', '', );

Parameters are optional, insert it if need.

For example, in 4th frame of the secondary flash-movie send command to the second flash-movie:

s.sendCommand('master', 'fSyncPoint1'); // send command to the 2 flash-movie

The uppermost layer of a flash-movie should be transparent and contain the button element with the following ActionScript:

on (release){
	getUrl(_root.link1, "_blank");

To open the advertiser’s site in new window use the _top parameter.

2.2. Visual effects of pair banners (different formats from one sessions)

  • Choose pair banners.

    Pair banners are ordinary flash-banners or img-banners. See item 2.1.

  • Load banners in a profile, set up “site zone” targeting on banner number from range 1…N, where N — the quantity of group.

    Set up for these banners distribution during a day with high speed (Распределение в течение дня: с максимальной скоростью).

  • Pass to the ad campaign slices of each format. Don’t set targeting in slice.

    These slices should have the highest priority and distribution during a day with high speed.

  • The following script generates the number from the range 1…N. It is the group, banners from which will be shown. Use this script on the webpage:
    <script language="JavaScript"><!--
    var N = 3;
    var ar_duo1 = Math.floor(Math.random()*N+1);
    • N = 3 — the range of the possible random numbers (the sessions with pair banners — insert your number).
    • ar_duo1 — variable that takes on value of the session number.
  • Modify the standard AdRiver code by adding the following script:
  • Use the modified code on your webpage.
2.2.1. Adding ar_duo1 variable in a code. Examples


Code from interface:

<!--  AdRiver code START. Type:240x400 Site: example PZ: 0 BN: 0 -->
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--
var RndNum4NoCash = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000000);
var ar_Tail='unknown'; if (document.referrer) ar_Tail = escape(document.referrer);
'<iframe src="'
+ 'sid=94499&target=top&bt=22&pz=0&rnd=' + RndNum4NoCash + '&tail256=' + ar_Tail
+ '" frameborder=0 vspace=0 hspace=0 width=240 height=400 marginwidth=0'
+ ' marginheight=0 scrolling=no></iframe>');
<a href="" target=_top>
<img src="" alt="-AdRiver-" border=0 width=240 height=400></a>
<!--  AdRiver code END  -->

Modified code (changes are highlighted in red):

<!--  AdRiver code START. Type:240x400 Site: example PZ: 0 BN: 0 -->
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--
var RndNum4NoCash = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000000);
var ar_Tail='unknown'; if (document.referrer) ar_Tail = escape(document.referrer);
'<iframe src="'
+ 'sid=94499&target=top&bt=22&bn='+ar_duo1+'&pz=0&rnd=' + RndNum4NoCash + '&tail256=' + ar_Tail
+ '" frameborder=0 vspace=0 hspace=0 width=240 height=400 marginwidth=0'
+ ' marginheight=0 scrolling=no></iframe>');
<a href="" target=_top>
<img src="" alt="-AdRiver-" border=0 width=240 height=400></a>
<!--  AdRiver code END  -->

For visual effects of pair banners actions, JavaScript has to be allowed in user’s web browser.

Poster and extension codes

Generate a poster code, find a line like this:


Insert ar_duo1 variable as follows (changes are highlighted in red):


Put modified code on a web page.

Generate an extension, find a line like this:

Insert ar_duo1 variable as follows (changes are highlighted in red):"+ar_duo1+"&pz=0&tail256=

Put modified code on a web page.


Add ar_duo1 variable to the code:


new adriver("adriver_banner", {sid:94499,bt:52,bn:0});

After (changes are highlighted in red):

new adriver("adriver_banner", {sid:94499,bt:52,bn:ar_duo1});

2.3. Visual effects of non pair banners (different formats from different sessions)

  • Choose pair banners from one session. Load groups of banners in profiles, in each profile set up “site zone” targeting on banner number from range 1…N, where N — the quantity of group.

    Set up for these banners distribution during a day with high speed (Распределение в течение дня: с максимальной скоростью).

  • Pass to the ad campaign slices of each format. Don’t set targeting in slice.

    These slices should have the highest priority and distribution during a day with the high speed.

  • The following script generates the number from the range 1…N. It is the group, banners from which will be shown. Use this script on the webpage:
    <script language="JavaScript"><!--
    var N = 3;
    var ar_duo=[];while(N--){ar_duo[N]=N+1};ar_duo.sort(function(){return 0.5-Math.random()});
    • N = 3 — the range of the possible random numbers (the sessions with pair banners — insert your number).
    • ar_duo — variable that takes on value of the session number.
  • Modify the standard AdRiver code by adding the following script:

    Replace # by appropriate banner numbers at the web page (0, 1, 2).

  • Use the modified code on your webpage.

3. Banner loading

  • Add banners into the profiles.
  • Insert click link at the text box Линк баннера.
  • Load banner files.
  • Pass the slice of appropriate type into the ad campaign.

4. Requirements

Names of the files can consist of numbers, latin letters or underscore symbols only and can’t contain any russian letters, space symbols, quotes or other special symbols. Size of the flash banner and the image should be the same.

5. The limit of the file size for banners in AdRiver

  • gif, jpeg, png-files (img width x height banners on AdRiver) — 600К;
  • swf-files (flash width x height banners on AdRiver) — 600K;
  • other file types — 600K;
  • for multicomponent banners the limits are checked for each one component.

To download in the banner files with extra-limit size you can use the box Расположение на стороннем сервере, in which you should insert the pathname to an external server.

For the banners that can’t be loaded from an external server it is possible to increase the limits of the file size. It comes to agreement with sales and support departments.

Last modified on 29.03.2016